This is exactly the same way I feel about London! Still dreaming of living in the city I always thought I would one day but doubt ever will. Nowadays I think it’s the dream I’m more in love with than the reality (who knows, but for the minute, uprooting and relocating with a toddler definitely doesn’t sound appealing to me); I’m very content with our current life but it still stings that my childhood dream will stay just that. Life is different now than a decade ago, and whilst I love pretending and imagining myself a local on short trips, I think that, at least, this way it will forever keep that special magic for me that might have slightly faded if faced with the realities of living there. Still, somewhere in the back of my mind the dream is alight (more flickering than blazing) and I’m not sure that that fire will ever be completely extinguished.

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So exactly this! Perfectly put ❤️

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Jun 10Liked by Katherine Ormerod

Felt this one ... I feel the same for London. Lived there for years, came back to Australia with my husband, one baby and another one on the way. Our life here is brilliant, no regrets - and yet ... my heart will always yearn for London and also the London version of me. Love your writing Katherine x

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Jun 10Liked by Katherine Ormerod

This spoke to me in so many ways. I found myself agreeing with almost every word. Thank you for being such a good mind and heart reader. And hell yeah - NYC, what a frickin' city, I always feel so alive and inspired when I'm there. Can't wait to go back xox

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Jun 9Liked by Katherine Ormerod

This made me feel quite tearful. I have a 1 year old and it’s the fantasies of what I thought I would do that I find the hardest to let go of.. I’m probably not going to live in New York or go on a 6 month backpacking trip and that ‘other life that could have been’ feels so bittersweet.

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