May 28, 2023Liked by Katherine Ormerod

Personally I don’t think you could be less middling (or a more effortful mother) if you tried BUT!!! Also with you on the not losing things, managing anxiety, and recalibrating the idea of success 💕

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Katherine this such a beautiful piece! I love that the book provided a jumping off point re these reflections, thank you for sharing so generously. I loved reading this. Resonate with so much. ❤️

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Setting the news agenda these days ❤️ xxxx

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May 28, 2023Liked by Katherine Ormerod

I read your column religiously every Sunday night when breastfeeding my 3rd little baby boy to sleep and often want to comment but never have until now - I love your writing and this piece is so beautiful and really resonates. You write about your words reaching and connecting with people - and they definitely do me, so thank you x

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May 29, 2023Liked by Katherine Ormerod

Snap Ella! I also always read this while feeding my 3rd little boy! Katherine, I love your newsletter and your insta. You seem to be far from middling to me but everyone is their own harshest critic. I especially have been struggling with my lack of perceived success having just turned 40. I have Emma's new book waiting to be read next, because I know I have to reframe in order to accept what I have achieved and think about where I want to go next. It is hard not to feel like a failure when society's idea of success cannot be everybody's story.

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May 28, 2023Liked by Katherine Ormerod

Resonating as always… but can we actually explore the idea of a KO podcast more please? I would be a subscriber!

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The one problem: apparently my voice sends people to sleep... On the flipside a Calms app career beckons hahahaha xx

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May 28, 2023Liked by Katherine Ormerod

The final sentence 🙌

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May 29, 2023Liked by Katherine Ormerod

Exactly this. Firstly, your writing has always caught my attention and I think you’re way above the middle. You definitely weren’t middling in your Pilates! And I prefer non-commercial. Its way cooler 😬

Secondly this piece is me too! The only difference is I’m in the wellness industry. It’s all about following, and creating online studios and partnerships. It seems like that is success and those instructors seem to get all the opportunities. But I see clients, every day, in the flesh. I help them out of pain and fall in love with their body. And I love every moment of it. And get paid for it. Grid life gets me down and doing this work to build a following feels unauthentic to the art. Anyway, lots more to talk about on this topic privately. You’re not middling, you’re on top.

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You are so right Alex about what matters ❤️ x

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May 28, 2023Liked by Katherine Ormerod

What an honest piece - it really resonated with me, thank you. Getting over yourself is such an important skill, and a lesson that makes it easier to move on, rather than looking back

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Firstly: I think you are doing beautifully Katherine.

Secondly: I also want to read the Emma Gannon book on success- she writes both effortlessly and her books are pretty timeless.

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And now re-reading this deeper, the middle graphs, the middling--all of it. I relate so very much to the trade offs and acceptance. This particularly hit me just right: "In careers, things change and I am exponentially a better writer, happier in myself and more financially and emotionally secure than when I was deemed more important professionally."

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May 29, 2023Liked by Katherine Ormerod

love this

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May 29, 2023Liked by Katherine Ormerod

You have a job you love which you do extremely well. Openly honest, relatable and raw (such is life!) you put your time and effort into your job which is a passion and pays the bills and do it with aplomb all the while caring for your family. That’s success to me! I’ve screenshot the last caption as a reminder to myself. Thank you x

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LOVE this, bravo. (I had to google KPI.)

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May 28, 2023Liked by Katherine Ormerod

Amazing piece, so inspiring. Thank you 😊

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May 28, 2023Liked by Katherine Ormerod

Love this. You are enough, we are all enough!

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Thank you for that very important reminder! ❤️

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I already very much wanted to read Emma's new book (and everything she writes) but now I'm wishing I had it in my lap for the weekend.

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