‘…blade of nostalgia will soon make carpaccio of my heart.’ Wow.

This story is your best yet.

Stressful but brilliant x

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How do you hit the nail on the head every. single. time!!

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Loved reading this so much. The chaos is visceral but so is the unending love and dedication. About to go on hols with my kiddo and self-employed hubby who says he will try to take the week off. Stand by!

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Wishing you all the luck in the world!

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I've read your post about your schedule so imagine you probably won't have time to read this, but just in case you fancy it... I wrote up my hols too.


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This the funniest most universally shared/true thing I’ve read in maybe ever. Sorry but also thank you, we are all less alone now

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Perfectly timed for me while trying to enjoy ‘moments’ of holiday with my three year old who is too hot, too hungry and wants to go home!

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So so good

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This is awesome

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Makes me look forward to vacay in Sicily in October with the fam😆 so well put, pfeew

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I felt this in my very bones while reading it. Thank you for articulating it so beautifully.

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Excellent, def your best yet ⭐️ such a hard topic, am very aware that I’m not modeling healthy working practices to my kids but in the current climate and with today’s expectations around productivity, what can we do?! “What sapping behind a cushion” rang very true.

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So well put, loved this

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I really do love your writing. It’s 4am here and should be trying to sleep but I couldn’t stop reading this - you’ve captured very relatable moments in such beautiful words.

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